Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Look who's getting bigger...and even cuter!!!

It's been awhile since I've shown you a picture of Kaelynn.  She's now 8 months old.
 She's growing more and more beautiful red hair and has two teeth on bottom.

She "scoots" around right now and will be crawling very soon.

She and Mommy and Daddy had lots of fun on vacation.
I miss her a lot and hope we will be able to see her this fall, maybe for her first birthday.  Thanks for indulging my Auntie pride! :)

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Go Team USA!

Well, I know it's been a while since I've written, but there's not be a whole lot to write about that anyone else would find interesting.  I've just been working hard and long hours at work (so thankful for my great job).  In a couple weeks there will be some excitement with a bath remodel (more on that to come).

But I am SO excited that the Olympics are finally here!!  I LOVE to watch them and will DVR probably every night.  The opening ceremonies are always amazing.  The parade of nations astounds me because I tend to get lost in my little American bubble and lose sight of how vast and diverse our planet really is.

My favorite summer olympic sports are gymnastics and swimming.  What do you like to watch?