Yesterday in my quiet time, I read from Psalm 62 (The Message translation) [emphasis mine]:
1 -2 God, the one and only— I'll wait as long as He says. Everything I need comes from Him, so why not? He's solid rock under my feet, breathing room for my soul, an impregnable castle: I'm set for life.”
7 -8 My help and glory are in God—granite-strength and safe-harbor-God— So trust Him absolutely, people; lay your lives on the line for Him. God is a safe place to be.”
11 God said this once and for all; how many times have I heard it repeated? "Strength comes straight from God."
From these verses, the following truths hit me:
1) God is sufficient. For now, for always, all I need is Him. This is especially important to remember during this season of my life when I'm waiting for a husband and a child.
2) I can trust God absolutely, that He has my best in mind. As I have said before, I believe the verse that says "He will give you the desires of your heart" means a) God is NOT a vending machine; b) He can and may give me what I want/desire and/or c) He will change my desires. But Psalm 62:7-8 reminds me that He is always trust-worthy, and in His presence I am safe. Always.
3) Sometimes waiting is hard. I admit, I am struggling some right now with this. But in verse 11 above, the Psalmist reminds us that all the strength we need comes from the Lord. How good is our God to give us all we need as we wait for what He has in store for us?
I found it interesting that yesterday after reading the Psalms that the same theme of waiting on and abiding in the Lord was found in the chapter I "happened" to be on in Lydia Brownback's book Trust:
"Jesus is the only resting place. In fact, Jesus is rest. Lean on Him, and walking with God will no longer feel burdensome. It will become your greatest delight."
One of my favorite praise songs has in part of the chorus: "He is more than enough, more than enough, He is more than enough for me." If my focus in this season of waiting is on what I don't have, then I will be miserable. But if I choose to focus on all I do have: a God who provides me strength, who provides me rest, and who is sufficient for everything I need, then I can spend this season at peace. Peace is a good thing, and much more comfortable than being restless and distracted. I need not be consumed with what I'm waiting for. I need instead to be consumed with Him who has my best in mind and who will, if I will but let Him, provide all I need today, tomorrow and throughout each day of the rest of my life.
Thank you, Lord. You are indeed more than enough. May I remember that each and every day!