On March 1, 1940, a baby born C was born. That baby boy grew up to be my Dad.
This past weekend I went down to Mom/Dad's so we could celebrate my Dad's 70th birthday. All my Dad's side of the family (my aunts, uncles, cousins and their kids) live in the same area as Mom/Dad, so we had a little get together. Unfortunately, my brothers and their families were unable to join us, but they called Dad and shared their birthday wishes for him that way. I presented the gift that we all chipped in and got for him: a voice-activated GPS.
We are not lavish decorators and my Dad didn't want a big party; he thought the balloons were going overboard (we only had 13 total!)--so this is nothing Martha Stewart would be proud of...nevertheless, it was festive enough for us. :)
Here is the birthday "boy" himself with his German Chocolate (hand-made by Mom) cake (his fave and what she makes for him every year) :
Here is a pic of my Dad and his two sisters, in reverse chronological order (he's the oldest):
I will blog in a post later this week how significant it is for me to be able to say that I thank God for my Dad and his 70 years of life. In general, Dad is fairly healthy. He is a good provider, generous, dependable, extremely hard-working, loyal and a devout believer. His life has not been easy and he has had to overcome a lot to accomplish what he has. I'm so proud of him and am very glad I was able to be a part of the celebration of his life. I pray God grants him many more years.

You look wonderful!!!! What a fun time!! I'd love a piece of that cake...