If you aren't familiar with the Christmas story (the real one), please read it here. I don't know who reads this blog and I further don't know what your relationship is with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I do know that He longs to be your Savior and your Redeemer if you will come to Him, confess your sins and place your full faith and trust in Him for your salvation.
If you aren't a believer, please take a moment today and ponder the true meaning of this day. We celebrate Christ-mas (literally, birth of Christ) because Almighty God sent His Son Jesus to earth as a helpless baby. This baby was born to a virgin named Mary with her fiance Joseph. His birth was not regal as it should have been (He is the King of Kings). Rather, he was born in a stable and placed in a manger for His bed. He lived a very humble, simple life, learning the trade of His earthly father Joseph (carpentry) and then around the age of 30 began His ministry on earth, helping and healing people and pointing them towards God the Father. A few years later, He paid the ultimate price for our sins by dying on the cross. You see, everyone sins (Romans 3:23) and our sins demand payment of death (Romans 6:23). Jesus Christ died in our place and if we trust in Him and Him only to save us, we will have the gift of God, which is eternal life in Heaven forever with Him.
So today, the day we set aside to celebrate His birth, is the beginning of the wonderful truth of Emmanuel, God with us. As much as I love the sights and sounds and traditions and stories of Christmas, we mustn't forget the Reason we celebrate is Him, our Infant Savior King. It truly is a miracle that the Creator of the universe, Almighty God, would humble Himself and come to earth to save us. I'm so eternally grateful He did, and while we should celebrate this everyday, especially today, let's remember the true meaning of this very special day.
Merry CHRIST-mas, everyone!
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