Monday, February 14, 2011

He's the Best Valentine Ever!

"The Word of God uses the phrase 'unfailing love' thirty-two times, and not once is it attributed to humans. Every single use of the phrase refers to God and God alone. Although the love of others can be rich and meaningful, only God's love is unfailing.

"He is not only the answer to a thousand needs but a thousand wants. He is our chief desire in all of life. Oh, God, awaken our souls to see-You are what we want, not just what we need. Yes, our life's protection, but also our heart's affections. Yes, our soul's salvation, but also our heart's exhilaration. Unfailing love-a love that will not let us go!"

--Beth Moore, Breaking Fee Day by Day


  1. Sarah, Beth Moore is so good isn't she? Your posting reminded me of one I posted on my other blog The Howell Blessings. Check out this link
    I think as humans we can only scratch the surface of what God is and pretend to mimic His love and His friendship that he shows towards us.

    Thanks for sharing.


  2. Sarah, I love Beth Moore and her insight into God's word. This post reminds me of one I posted on being a friend of Gods.
    Check it out if you like.
    As humans, we can only pretend to mimic God's love and friendship and only scratch the surface in understanding how deep His love for us is.

    Thanks for this post and reminding us of God's unfailing love.

