Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Hanging on by a thread...

(5) You, LORD, are all I have,and you give me all I need;my future is in your hands.
(6) How wonderful are your gifts to me;how good they are!--Psalms 16:5-6 (GNT)

These verses have been so encouraging to me, as I've been working 60-70 hrs/wk, doing PT for my ankles and hips twice a week, and taking an online class. I struggle several times a day with feeling overwhelmed, but The Lord is faithful to get me through. Only a few more weeks at this pace, and by Thanksgiving, things should finally slow down a little! It can't come soon enough.


  1. Wow- that is busy! Praying for you!! Things have been busy here, too, in a different way. Got your e-mail- thanks for bringing me up to speed! Love you lots!!

  2. And you have chosen excellent verses to keep in front of your eyes. Start your day out reading those and putting your hope in Him and you'll make it through. Prayers for you my sister
