Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Hello Again

Can't believe it's been nearly a year since my last post. Recovering from the car accident limits my screen time. That is still the situation, but I had to share with all (six) of you that I have adopted a dog. It's been fifteen years and three months since I lost my BJ, so this has been a long time coming.
Operation Kindness is a wonderful shelter here in Dallas, and they had "Lauren" (who is now Violet Lauren), a sweet 1.5 year old "Cairn Terrier mix". I think, due to her longer legs, that she is more Border Terrier. She's all terrier, though! We have chased A LOT of squirrels and cats in the last ten days! :)
She is 17 pounds and is very sweet and people friendly. She likes to "hide" her Nylabones and it's so funny when she "finds" them again! :) She can contort her body out of a collar, and even a harness once, to come with me (going inside to get water for twenty seconds). I'm sure that's how she became a stray. :( We are going to do obedience classes so we can learn to heel, stay, come, and leave it. She cries when I leave (very pitiful sound!) and is afraid of thunder. :( It was intentional to get a dog of her size so I can pick her up when necessary. She loves to be held like a baby. :)
I think she knows I love her. Now I want her to know she is HOME. FOR KEEPS.

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