This picture she entitled “New Birth” was drawn by my dear friend Vel Sweet at my request in 1999. Mrs Sweet is with her Shepherd now, and all that knew and loved her miss her here on earth.
Shepherd of my heart, Keeper of my soul
Make me walk in Your path, trusting in You alone.
How tenderly You guide me, how gently You lead me on
Through green pastures and troubled waters, to the place You call Your own.
I’m such a wayward lamb, dear Lord—my eyes look far away
Help me cling closely to You, following You today.
In the darkness You’re my solace, in my weakness You’re my peace
I’ll follow You, my Shepherd, hold tight to this foolish sheep.
Though the road be often rocky, the way You go is best.
I see just the present, but You see the final rest.
Though many times I stray from You, Your staff reaches out to rescue me
This stubborn sheep whom You love so much receives such mercy from You, my King.
On my own I fall so quickly—there’s snares on every side
Inside my heart holds bitterness, anger, jealousy and pride;
But when I simply follow You—though I cannot see the way,
You lead me steadily and patiently, so it’s here with You I’ll stay.
I know Your voice, Good Shepherd—I hear You softly call my name
My heart yearns to follow You, but my faith just wanes and fades
May I always trust You, Lord, as I clutch Your nail-scarred hand
For by Your grace You care for me with love I’ll never understand.
Shepherd of my heart, Keeper of my soul
Make me walk in Your path, trusting in You alone
How tenderly You guide me, how gently You lead me on
Through green pastures and troubled waters, to the place You call Your own.
Of all the analogies that convey attributes of God in the Bible, my favorite is the Good Shepherd. Sheep are completely helpless to care for themselves in any and every way, and thus are entirely dependent upon their Shepherd for all of their needs. Our Gentle Shepherd knows the needs of our lives—needs that even we are not aware of. He will tend to us with such skill and loving care, even when we fail to acknowledge His grace amid our sinful stubbornness. But when we humbly place our hearts in His hands, He will gather up our pain, our failures, and our weaknesses and eclipse them with His love. I praise God that He bothers with such a wayward, foolish lamb like me—and I’ll be forever amazed that He gave His very life to save mine.
“He tends His flock like a Shepherd. He gathers the lambs in His arms and carries them close to His heart; He gently leads those that have young.” Isaiah 40:11 NIV
“I myself will tend my sheep and have them lie down, declares the Sovereign Lord. I will search for the lost and bring back the strays. I will bind up the injured and strengthen the weak…” Ezekiel 34:15-16 NIV
“I am the Good Shepherd. I know my sheep and my sheep know me—just as the Father knows me and I know the Father—and I lay down my life for the sheep…My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” John 10:14, 15, 27 NIV
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