Surrounded by your glory in the stillness of the day
My soul is so at rest here, Lord, so it’s here with you I’ll stay.
Though my body is weak and my mind is frail
It’s here in the shadow of your wings that your joy can be availed.
Basking in the sun, I’m reminded of your love
For you sent the final sacrifice in the offering of your Son
I know not how this love you offer could be so free for me
For it cost my Jesus everything when He hung on that cruel tree.
My patient Shepherd Savior, you gave so much for me
Yet so many times I fail you and shame you selfishly.
Your mercy is boundless and your grace runs so free
Hear my heart’s cries of contrition as I plead with bended knee.
These deep, ugly stains of sin cause my heart such grief
It’s in the shadows here, Lord, that I long to have relief
Though I know you long to hold me, so many times I run away
Why can’t I just instead run here, each and every day?
Yesterday’s pain and tomorrow’s worries simply fade away
Gazing at your beauty here—this is where I long to stay.
Though I am so weak and frail you hold me safe
The shelter of your wings is where I can best look long upon your face.
When I look long into your tender eyes, your love wraps up my soul
Though I feel so broken right now, it’s you who makes me whole.
No matter how long it takes for your pruning, I know that you know best
So I’ll remain here under your precious wings and find such gracious rest.
Keeper of my soul and Shepherd of my heart,
You know how easily the pain of life can tear me all apart.
So it’s your mending touch that I’ve come here first to seek
I praise you that you’re strength is greater no matter if all I feel is weak.
Jesus, my Lord, You are the song this singer sings
For you only are the melody that deep within me rings.
The shadows of your presence are the sweetest place to be
So I’ll rest here in true safety and wait impatiently.
Yesterday’s pain and tomorrow’s worries simply fade away
Gazing at your beauty here—this is where I long to stay.
Though I am so weak and frail you hold me safe
The shelter of your wings is where I can best look long upon your face.
I praise the Lord that not only can we rest in the shelter of His wings, but He longs to cause us to sing for joy in the shadow of His wings. Shadows might be scary if that’s all we’re looking at. But if we gaze into the Son and realize His light creates the shadows, we’ll find the peaceful rest He longs to give us.
Psalm 63: 6-8: “On my bed I remember you; I think of you through the watches of the night. Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings. My soul clings to you; your right hand upholds me.”
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