Friday, August 20, 2010

Trusting Him in ALL Things

I have come to realize in the past week that there was a major area of my life in which I was not trusting the Lord fully.

A major change is coming in my department of The Company, one that will impact me greatly. The lady that I have worked with for the past 5 years is retiring in mid-September. I knew she was retiring, but it wasn't supposed to be until the end of the year. Well, their house sold in 2 weeks instead of the 4-6 months that the realtor told them to expect, so the plans changed.

Upon learning this news last week, I was overcome with anxiety and worry about how this is going to impact me. What if my boss doesn't get the approval to replace her and I have to do 2 people's jobs? Physically, I'm pretty sure I couldn't handle that. I have come to count the lady that's leaving as a friend and our cubes literally face each other and we sit 6 feet apart. I'm certainly going to miss her from a friendship perspective as well as a work one. If my boss does get approval to replace her, then what if the person he hires is not easy to work with?

It occurred to me that all this worrying and stressing out was a result of me not trusting the Lord with this situation. He is in control and already knows how the situation will play out. He has my best in mind and even better, has promised to be with me always. I'm going to work on surrendering this situation (day by day and hour by hour, if necessary) to His capable hands. All I need to do is remember His faithfulness over prior changes in jobs over my lifetime. He is the same God and will continue to be faithful, even when I demonstrate my lack of faith.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths."--Proverbs 3:5-6

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