Friday, August 27, 2010

Fashion Statement

So what do 3 ankle sprains in a month earlier in the summer followed by 6 weeks of not doing anything about it get you?

Stylish footwear and physical therapy!

Yes, it's true. I finally went to the doctor earlier this week because my ankle was just not healing all the way. Guess I have tendonitis in addition to the sprain so I need to rest it, hence the lovely boot. Also start physical therapy next week.

I've never had any kind of boot or cast so this is new territory for me. It's taking a lot of getting used to and 4 days into it, my foot/ankle is more sore than when I started--but the doctor's office assured me that's normal.

I'm thankful that it's not my right foot or else driving would be very difficult! :)

Try to contain your jealousy of my latest fashion statement!!!

Have a great weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps you can order some purple vinyl appliques to dress it up?!
