Saturday, April 5, 2014

Please pray for Dad and his surgery

Hi. Sorry I've been absent so long from here. Studying/working 50-65 hours/week for three months straight has occupied all my time.

First, let me back up and share a huge answer to prayer. The low back surgery my Dad really needs to try to get some relief from the constant pain he lives with was denied coverage by insurance when they ran the pre-approval. Then it was also denied when the first round of appeal went through. We had lots of people praying that The Lord would lead and provide wisdom (even if that meant not having surgery and exploring other long term pain management options). This past Tuesday, only a couple weeks after the initial claim was filed, the insurance approved the surgery! We are so thankful and are taking this reversal and quick processing as an indication that The Lord would have Dad continue forward with surgery.

So this Tuesday, the 8th, he will have two discs fused, the two lowest ones in the back. After surgery he will not be able to sit for more than 20 minutes at a time, and other various restrictions, but that is the biggest one. Please pray that The Lord would guide the surgeon, Dr. S's hands, that Dad would come thru the surgery with no unintended side effects and, if the Lord wills, that this would provide Dad some pain relief. Low back surgeries are somewhat controversial in the medical field due to their mediocre success rate, but Dad's surgeon (who did Dads neck fusion last year) thinks he can give Dad relief.

Thanks for praying with us!

1 comment:

  1. That's my brothers birthday as well, so I'll keep that day in mind. Praying for your papa.
