Tuesday, November 9, 2010

A Miraculous Story

If you need a reminder of how mighty our God is, if you want to be encouraged today, then read this post. Be sure to watch the short video and have your sound up to hear the song.

If then, your interest in this precious little boy's story is picqued like mine was a year and a half ago, please click here to read Stellan's story from the beginning. It is truly amazing how far this little boy has come--from medically dead to vibrantly, perfectly, happily alive and healthy today.

I have been reading MckMama's blog for about a year and a half. I came upon it in a roundabout way. I stared reading Kelly's Blog because Kelly's was listed on a friend's blog as one my friend read. I have been captivated with Stellan and his and his family's story ever since. It's no secret to the few of you that read this that I love children. Stellan is now one of 5 kids 5 or under and I so enjoy just the snippets of life and beautiful pics of it that MckMama posts. She is also very quick to share the shortcomings and not-so-picture-perfect parts of their story, and how their faith has seen them through the trials they've endured by God's grace. I am inspired and encouraged each time I read her blog.

Isn't technology amazing? While I have actually had the privilege of meeting MckMama, I read several other blogs of folks I don't know and God has inspired, convicted and encouraged me through those as well. And to think that I may well never meet these folks until we get to Heaven!

Just had to share Stellan's miraculous story with you on today, his "re-birthday", the anniversary of the day God literally brought him back to life. What a great visual for how God rescued us from the pit of death by giving His Son for us, so that we in turn (upon trusting in His salvation alone) might have (ETERNAL!) life.

God is good and is still performing miracles, just in case you wondered.

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